These responses have been edited for clarity.

“This next year is filled with change for CC: a new college president, a new ice hockey arena, and the hopeful return of students to campus. With these new changes come new opportunities. I am hopeful to become your next Student Body President because I believe in a renewed devotion to accessibility, accountability, and transparency. To make CC more accessible I hope to prioritize increasing access to healthcare for all students, deconstructing ableism in the outdoors, and informing students about the role of CCSGA. To promote accountability, my first step would be to conduct a review of CC’s structure and practices to be responsive to the Anti-Racism Initiative. I would also push for student representation on campus-wide committees. Finally, I would promote transparency about the college’s racist past with the student body. I’m beyond excited to meet all of you and if you have any questions or would like to read my platform in full reach out to me at” – Deksyos Damtew ’22

“Birds in the world today are fighting countless battles for survival against climate change, habitat loss, and predation, but a fatal threat challenging birds’ existence like never before is window collisions. Because of their transparency, windows reflect images that seem, to a bird’s eye view, to exist as a continuation of the natural world. In fact, studies have shown that up to a billion birds collide with buildings each year in the U.S. Our winged friends play an integral role in maintaining steady habitat by feasting on pesky bug populations, pollinating native plants, and protecting drinking water by preventing erosion. On top of hugely negative environmental impacts, the loss of these ecologically vital and intricately beautiful subjects would render a devastating blow to creative inspiration as an ornithological illustrator, young environmentalist, and the president of Tiger Audubon — the Audubon on Campus Program chapter at Colorado College (your local bird club). Fortunately, there are ways to help. Set up feeders in open spaces to draw birds away from window panes. For an easy fix, draw down blinds or curtains and hang up shiny strands of foil or tinsel, disrupting the reflection. Highlight windows with tempera paint, soap, or sticker decals, thus clouding up the glass. Participating in Lights Out programs (turning out unnecessary lighting at night) with groups like the National Audubon Society and Audubon Rockies is especially helpful during migration seasons. On campus, keeping track of where and when birds collide with buildings helps identify potential problem areas that Colorado College can work to make more bird-friendly. Get in touch with Tiger Audubon if you’re interested in joining the window data collection team or if you find an injured/perished bird on campus. While windows provide comforting sunlight indoors, they also reflect a growing problem for birds that needs to become more transparent. I feel very strongly about this environmental issue and hope that publishing this has the potential to raise more awareness on campus (especially since many CC students are already substantially environmentally conscious).” – Mary Rudolph ’22, President of Tiger Audubon.

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