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Kathy Butler Bids Housing and Residential Life Adieu

Photo courtesy of Colorado College

Earlier this February, Kathy Butler retired from her position as Colorado College’s Room Assignment Specialist after working at the college for 12 years. She oversaw on-campus housing assignments, as well as the wait list, room changes, and off-campus living approval process. She was also the point of contact within the housing office for student and parent housing assignment concerns.   

“Kathy’s responsibilities are being divided up between four people, including a few people from Residential Life and Campus Activities,” said Justin Weis, Associate Director of Housing and Conferences. “It’s a team effort and there’s a committee of us that meet on a weekly basis to make sure we are doing everything we need to do. This will ensure that our processes are good for our students during this spring semester.”

He continued: “For students who have questions about the housing process, please visit our office in Bemis and talk to Meg Ortiz. She is knowledgeable and is able to inform students about the various processes.  If a complex situation arises, I will also be available.”

Kathy Butler’s last day at the college was Feb. 12.

“Today is day two without her and we have been doing great. We have been working on this for the last four weeks, since she informed us,” said Weis. “We have been having many meetings, making sure everyone is up to speed, and making sure that these processes over the next couple months will go smoothly.”

The housing office says that it never has a slow semester.

“Everybody has to play a role and a lot of this still requires the students to do what they should be doing, like filling out the housing agreement and completing various applications, while the housing department is still here to manage this process,” said Weis.

The housing process for students will remain the same as in past years. Weis emphasized that online housing agreement forms are due March 2. On March 25, the apartment group application is due. Completing these forms on time is the best way students can ensure they will receive their preferred housing.

The housing office is doing a national search to find a replacement for Kathy Butler. Regardless of her departure, the Housing Office plans to continue on with the set housing selection schedule.

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